User Experience and SEO: Do not Sacrifice either of them Part 2

You read about the best SEO practices for the images that make them worth for any content in part 1. This article is about the most widely used visual format which is going to rule the digital world in the next five years.

Yes, you guessed it right.

We are talking about the GIFs.

Just kidding… we are talking about the videos for sure.

Let us see what SEO Barcelona suggest for the video content that do not interfere with the user experience and get you rank better too.

#1. The first advice that would add to the user experience would be using the transcript for the videos. This helps the people with slow internet connection or room full of loud people or hearing issues; to know about your video better. You can use the transcription software but double check their work as they are not a hundred percent accurate.

#2. There is a thing called interactive transcripts which are time synced to the video and can be used to go to a selected section of the video. Use HTML5<track> on the video which allows you to specify a .vtt file with your transcript.

#3. If you are using the YouTube video on your content, they already follow the best video practices. They are optimized to be used on mobile and desktop. The subtitles, closed captions, and transcripts are automated.

#4. The transcripts should not be used as an opportunity to keyword stuff. It is just an extension of your video. The users reading the transcript would just click the back button reading the useless keywords again and again. The transcripts are not for the search bots, anyhow.

There is one more content that is becoming popular especially among the content writers working for SEO firms. This visual format is explanatory as well as pleasing to the eyes. It is long but readable. Many e-commerce sites are using them in the outreach emails.

Yes, you are right again.

We are talking about the infographics.

You all must be accustomed to the infographics. They are engaging and less boring than the text. Let us know what makes an infographic an asset for the SEOs.

#1. As you must have read in the previous article that alt attribute is just to tell the bots what the image is about. The infographics is a form of an image only, so do not write everything that you have put on the infographics in the alt. Write what is necessary.

#2. Graphics not only a constituent in the name of the infographics, they are very crucial for its success too. A well-drawn infographic can attract the attention of the visitors. If the infographic is not attractive, it is just a text served with a bad packaging.

#3. Accessible Rich Internet Application ARIA attribute should be used in addition to the alt attribute. It is only useful for the long format images. You can write the same text for alt and ARIA, it would not be considered repetitive as opposed to the caption.

#4. Creating the infographic using CSS is a good practice as the cache version of the infographic created by this is better than the cache version of an image file.

These are some ways through which you can make the video and infographics good for the Google bots. Well, you already know about making the infographics and video great experience for the audiences. SEO Bilbao also suggests using the hidden texts alternate in the CSS clip for infographics.

What do you suggest? Please comment below the best video and infographic practices that work for your brand and business.

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