NoFollow Links and Its Uses

Nofollow is like an instruction for Google that a particularly mentioned link is not organic and it should not be used for indexing. Whenever someone is writing an article on his blog/web, he may feel like people should visit this site, but he does not want Google to give a positive point to that website, so he uses ‘nofollow’ tag with the link to that website. Why some links need to be nofollowed and what are the cases when this tag should be used? We have had a long discussion with New York SEO Companies and drew an inference, let us tell you the same.

Why use ‘nofollow’ tag?

‘nofollow’ tags were introduced soon after links became a ranking signal. To earn maximum links, websites started spamming comment boxes of blogs and forums. Thus earning a great number of links and ranking better in the search page. To counteract the smartness of webmasters, Google introduced these tags through which both bloggers and webmasters can mention their website’s URL here and there but just with rel=”nofollow” in the HTML. This alerts Google that links are not organic or inbound. Those who did not follow the rule, got penalty.

A question may arise to someone’s mind that why to mention a link at all; when it is not counting? The simple answer is to get audiences. Even when links have ‘nofollow’ tags, they can be easily accessed and people can visit the page by clicking on it. When people can visit the page, then your aim of getting traffic is fulfilling, the only difference is that this link is doing nothing for organic rankings. As a marketer, our first objective is to gain audience and then gaining rank, so links are used even with ‘nofollow’ tag.

When use nofollow tag?

  1. For paid links/ sponsored posts: Sometimes, brands sponsor a post on another site/blog to gain the attention of their audiences, it is a friendly way to expand the circle of influence, but Google advises the use of nofollow tag whenever mentioning URL of one site to another. As such it is easy for people to navigate from one website to another and Google will know that the link is not earned rather paid.
  2. Comment box: Many people put their website’s link or post’s link in the comment box hoping that it would help in link building, but it rather not. To avoid such spammy comments, websites use this tag.
  3. User content: If there is a space on your site which allows users to post a content, similar to the comments section, you need to put ‘nofollow’ tag there too. This is different from the guest post because in a guest post, both the sites are authoritative and both agree to the terms and condition of posting.
  4. Referred Content: If you have used some graphics from a website and you do not want to give them the credit or do not want Google to link back to that site, use nofollow tags.
  5. Lost links: Sometimes links get broken and there is no way to recover the lost content, as such using these tags can help identifying that there is nothing worth at that side of the link.
  6. Lost connections: If you no longer have friendly relations with a website and do not want to link with/to them, use this tag to end the association in the eyes of Google.

According to SEO Companies Denver, links are like votes to a site which counts in the ranking and if you do not want them to rank better, use ‘nofollow’ tag.

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